Preparing your home for a bushfire – My Top Tips!

This is one way to build a bushfire safe home…

As a victim of bushfire, I cannot stress enough how important it is to prepare your home and family for the event of a bushfire. While it may not happen this year, or the next – the day it does, your actions will ultimately decide how your home and family survive a bushfire. So please, have a look at these simple tips and get started today!

1. Know your risk. A common misconception about bushfires is that they only occur in the bush. If your home or property is near grassland, or paddocked areas – you are just as susceptible to fires. In fact grass fires can move much faster than bushfires and produce massive amounts of heat – potentially killing anyone in the open.

2. If you haven’t already, print/update your bushfire survival plan. Be sure to review the plan (it won’t take long), it’s extremely helpful even for the most seasoned of preppers.

3. Contact your local Rural Fire Service and arrange an inspection of your property, not only will they provide you with some specific advice on what you can do to reduce your fire danger rating, but it’s also useful for them to be familiar with your home and surroundings if they have to attend it in an emergency.

4.Weekend Prep Tips – In a bushfire many homes are destroyed through ember attack (embers carried large distances by the wind), these simple tips will help better protect your home during a fire:

  • Clean your gutters, and if you’re feeling extra productive install metal gutter guards.
  • Repair any damaged exterior surfaces on the house.
  • Install metal mesh screens on windows and doors.
  • Fit seals around windows and doors to eliminate gaps.
  • Keep lawns short and gardens maintained, cutting back trees and shrubs and fallen leaves and twigs.

5. Understand the fire danger rating system to always be alert and aware of bushfire risk in the area.

Finally, get to know your local fire volunteers. They’re always hosting useful informational events and meetings, but you can also show your appreciation for the amazing work they do week in week out – and they do it for free.

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